We at Minorito see that Finnish purity, Scandinavian innovation and global markets are trending in the food supplement trade. Furthermore, organic supplements are quickly making their way to the marketplace. Tailor-made recipes and package design expertise make Minorito an excellent choice for private label products. All you will need we can already provide.
We source raw materials and packaging materials from partners who we have verified to be reliable. Most are provided by European suppliers who we are highly familiar with. At Minorito, every material batch we receive is sampled and given an internal batch number, which makes it traceable from the supplier to the final product batches sent to the customer. The material batches are also analysed using FTIR to make sure they are genuine. During approval for use, we review the delivery documents, the results of our analysis and the supplier’s analysis certificate. The real-time documentation of production and packaging together with document archives makes everything traceable for years to come.